Inspire Events > Dating >

The 6 Phases of Attraction

Exclusive Dating Workshop

  8-10 person group
  Male and female balanced attendance
  Refreshments provided
  Private address (Studio) with parking
  Close to Rayleigh station
  Takeaway materials
  £55 all-inclusive

2.5 hours date coaching event on the Six Phases of Attraction from highly qualified local Rayleigh life coach

Friday 26th April 2024 7.30pm-10pm

13 + 10 =

Expected Sell-Out. Grab Your Spot Now.








Alternatively, call or Whatsapp me on 07751 285772 to book your slot

Life Isn't a Dress Rehearsal

I’m Sarah Ventris.

As an experienced life coach, I have been helping people all over the world build on the six phases of attraction: Curiosity, Physical Attraction, Relevance, Core Values, Excitement and Rapport.

Dating can sometimes be a tough path to navigate. But when you know the way, it can also be a life-changing, fun and exciting experience.

During this month’s exclusive Dating session, after warm introductions, we’ll focus on each of the following topics, giving you practical skills to take away that will help you accelerate the results you get from dating.


What is Attraction and how do we give ourselves the best chance of moving into the second phase.


What are the best ways to build curiosity in your dates to leave prospective partners longing for more.


What is Rapport, why is it so critical, and how do you build it so you and your date can find your natural chemistry.


What are Values, why are they so important to discover, and how can they play a role in attracting the right long-term partner.


How does Relevance impact the short and long-term success of a romance, and how can you close gaps when people are in different worlds.


How do you create that electric tension, passion and longing that leaves your prospective partner desperate to see you again.

What Inspire Clients Say

“I came to see Sarah as I wanted to become more self-aware and more able to manage my thoughts and emotional state.

Working with Sarah, I was able to learn new tools and break bad habits that both changed my mindset and addressed limiting beliefs so I’m now able to attract the right people into my life.”

Jonathan Bayfield


“When I started my coaching in January, I was completely lost. I lacked confidence and just didn’t know what path was for me.

When I look back, I can’t believe how far I’ve come and this is just the beginning. So thank you Sarah for freeing me of doubt, insecurity and negativity.”

Jessica McAlister


Reserve My Slot Now

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to meet people, tap into some great dating coaching, learn about the Six Phases of Attraction, and have a thoroughly enjoyable evening.

4 + 15 =